DIGESTIVE ENZYMES - have been formulated with ingredients that work synergistically to help the body break down foods faster and easier, and to absorb essential and vital nutrients – helping you maintain energy levels and improve your overall health.*
PROTEASE - Is responsible for digesting proteins.*
BROMELAIN - Which comes from pineapple, breaks down protein and may help to reduce inflammation.*
AMYLASE - Breaks down starches and carbohydrates into maltose, a disaccharide.*
GLUCOAMYLASE - Breaks down carbohydrates, specifically polysaccharides into glucose.*
LACTASE - Digests lactose, the sugar in dairy products.*
LIPASE - Is an enzyme that breaks down fats. Lipases perform essential roles in the digestion, transport, and processing of dietary lipids (fats and oils).*
PHYTASE - Is an enzyme that breaks down phytic acid and allows the release of stored minerals from nuts, seeds, and grains.*
CELLULASE - Is responsible for breaking down plant material and fiber. Some plants and vegetables contain beneficial nutrients within the cell walls that normally are inaccessible to the body due to the fibrous make-up of the plant.*
ALPHA GALACTOSIDASE - Breaks down carbohydrates, and is especially helpful with the digestion of gas-producing vegetables like beans.*
PREBIOTICS – Are food for probiotics. They stimulate production and enhance the beneficial properties of probiotics. Prebiotics make intestinal pH more acidic, creating an environment that enhances absorption of essential minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Several studies in animals and humans have shown positive effects of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDO), including fructooligosaccharides, on mineral absorption, metabolism, and bone composition.*
FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES (FOS) - Are plant sugars that act as prebiotics. Your body depends upon certain bacteria for its health. These are essential to help break down and digest certain foods. FOS is used to feed these friendly bacteria (probiotics). Just like any other living organism, bacteria require nourishment, and while they get plenty of food from our own diet, especially from the fiber content, they find FOS particularly appetizing.*
PROBIOTICS - Are the flora (good bacteria) that populate the intestine and are believed to improve health. Probiotics can help support healthy intestinal function.*
LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS - Is a probiotic, or "friendly" bacteria. Many healthy bacteria live in the intestines where they protect against "bad" bacteria.*
BIOPERINE® - Is a standardized extract from the fruits of Piper nigrum L. (black pepper, a common household spice) or Piper longum L. (long pepper). Studies have shown that Bioperine® increases the absorption of nutrients.*